
Enhancing Remote Meeting Experience with Integrated Audiovisual Solutions

By The NEARITY Team2023-12-05 09:51:20




Remote Device Management



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The university was established in 1938. It is China’s first independently established national normal college. Situated in Changsha, Hunan Province, it has achieved commendable recognition and has been chosen as a key participant in various national programs. The university was among the first group of institutions selected for the prestigious "211 Project" and designated as national "double first-class" construction universities. Furthermore, Hunan Normal University has been chosen to participate in numerous national programs, including the "111 Plan", the National High-level University Postgraduate Program, etc. It has also been recognized as a national demonstration university for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform. Hunan Normal University holds membership in organizations such as the International Alliance of Schools of Art, Design and Media (Cumulus) and the "Belt and Road" Think Tank Cooperation Alliance.


1. Large conference room requires local sound reinforcement equipment

The challenge lies in overcoming acoustic challenges posed by the room's size and architectural features, ensuring that every participant can clearly hear and be heard. The goal is to enhance the overall meeting experience by mitigating issues related to sound dispersion and maintaining consistent audio quality throughout the expansive space.

2. High requirement for easy integration

The customer expresses a strong preference to retain their existing audio equipment, highlighting the need for seamless integration with any new devices introduced to the conference room setup. The solution should, therefore, provide compatibility between the new local sound reinforcement equipment and the customer's established audio systems, facilitating a smooth transition and ensuring an integrated audio environment for meetings.


For the customer's large conference room, the best combination solution is the V410 2K PTZ Camera and A20 Conference Speakermic. V410 Camera features a 120° ultra-wide-angle lens, and USB plug-and-play for a user-friendly design that provides a high-definition and convenient remote meeting experience. A20 with daisy chain function providing distributed pickup and amplification functions so that participants can speak freely from any corner of the room and clearly hear remote speeches.


Hunan Normal University, with its rich history and national recognition. Overcoming acoustic challenges in customer’s large conference room, Nearity provided a sophisticated solution - the V410 camera and A20 Speakermic. This ensures a seamless, user-friendly remote meeting experience, aligning with their commitment to excellence.


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